This month we caught up with a family of fighters
-Reuben, Quincy, Shane, & Sonny Torres-
How long have you guys been training Jiu Jitsu and wrestling?
Shane and Sonny started wrestling in middle school and both have been training BJJ about 2 ½ years. Reuben & I started a few months after.
Who inspires you?
My boys are definitely an inspiration for my husband and me to train but for me it was watching another mother like me compete that gave me the push to try BJJ. Our head Instructor, Joey Thomas, is our biggest influence for sure! He has taken us all under his wings and is like a father and grandfather to us.
What titles have you won?
We all love to compete and we’ve all had some success. The boys have both won at JJ by the Sea. Shane medaled at the US Open & Salinas Open. Reuben and I both won at The American Cup.
What are the best & worst things about your family training together?
The best thing is how close it brings us together. We share so much on the mat. We sweat together, learn together, struggle together and help each other out. It’s great to switch roles with your kids and learn from them and I think it’s good for them to see their parents as people aside from just mom and dad. We each get our days as either being either teacher or student and it creates respect for each other as individuals. Also, it’s great to have a training partner close by at home when you need one. When you just got to try a new move, there’s usually someone around.
The worst thing is probably how our electricity bill has gone up with all the gi washing.
How many gis do you wash per week?
I have never counted but its A LOT! The washing machine is always going and the next load is ready to go in. Especially when we are in competition training mode and some of us are training twice a day. Drying gis are usually hanging all over the house!